How to Use Video Marketing to Increase Website Traffic Free

  • One of the most powerful ways to Increase Website traffic Free to your site is to use Video Marketing. Videos can also be used to enhance the look and feel of your site. What better way to show your business or product than to deliver it visually? We like to see someone at the sales level because it helps us to trust him more.

  • People love to see videos. They are said to be more involved than the obvious text. Why is that? We’ve all grown up with television and are used to seeing something to watch. We naturally draw to the video that way. You will stand out from the crowd if you can bring a high-quality video advertising experience, giving value to people.


There are Many Ways To Make a Video & I Will Cover Some Of Them Now.

  • First of all, you don't have to be Steven Spielberg. And you do not need to create anything with Avatar equivalent to do Online Video Marketing. While there are professional videos on YouTube and other video hosting sites, there are many more that look like readable. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with this. On the contrary. If you are displaying a product for example, you can better meet if you present it in a raw, non-frills format. This is a great way to make your own video marketing videos.


        What video equipment do I need?


  • If you have a smartphone like an iPhone or something similar you can use the high definition area to make your video. Alternatively palm video cameras like Flip or Kodak range provide excellent video quality. The only issue with these types of cameras is that you may need to get closer to the built-in microphone.


  • If you have a video sales camcorder then use that. Ideally this is what I would like to use in person because it is easy to control and works well with a tripod.


  • Once you've made your video you may want to edit it or add subtitle topics and effects. If you have a Windows computer then try using Windows Movie Maker which you will find on your PC.


  • When you use Mac iMovie it provides excellent results for video marketing content. You do not have to invest in a full editing package full of these types of videos. Creating a video Make sure that when creating your video you use the following Video Marketing Tips:

      1.Pass on key points

      2.Look directly at the camera

      3.Speak clearly

      4.Enter a value

      5.Post the link back to your website

  • It helps if you can add jokes to your video, but this is not necessary at all. In many cases it can depend on the subject as some articles do not lend themselves well to comedy.


  • In fact, by advertising your video, just try to make your video interesting to the viewer. You want to get involved and keep them coming back if possible.


         Video software


  • Microsoft PowerPoint is used to create slideshows. With Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 you can extract your slideshow from a video file. This means you can use PowerPoint to create your video using text slides, photos, music, narration and save everything as a video file.


  • You can get even better advertising results with Microsoft PowerPoint. Personally I prefer the new PowerPoint models, from 2007 onwards because these tend to have more useful features. If you are unable to use these Video marketing Tools or do not have the time to contact video marketing companies to get it done for you.


       To Avoid Copyright Issues


  • Do not use images or music under copyright. There are websites that provide copyrighted music and images and you should aim to get your content out of this.


  • Don't use a popular piece of music with your favorite band in your video. Video sites may remove your video from the site and all your video marketing will be in vain.


  • You should also be careful about using Google images. Yes, there are many options, but do not use something that you feel could be a copyright infringement. Your Google video marketing should not violate any rules.


               How to Distribute The Video


  • The main video site people are familiar with is YouTube. You should aim to upload your video up there. If you do not have an account on YouTube go to the site and make one of your video sales. When you sign in you will see an option to upload your video.


  • YouTube will allow you to add a title and description to your video. Use your keyword in your video title and description. You should also put the link back to your website in the description. The reason for this is that we will make people who have enjoyed your video come back to your website to find out more about you. All your video marketing will be profitable when this happens.


  • There are other options you can set such as whether comments are allowed on your video or whether the video can be submitted. I tend to set it up so people can only leave comments after approving it. Thus you protect yourself from any negative comments.


  • YouTube lets you set up your own channel. You can save more videos on your channel and you will look like an authority in your story. This is a prerequisite for Video Marketing  today.


  • You also have a variety of templates to choose from to customize your channel. Don't think too much of this though. The key is to get your videos out there. You can always come back later and customize your channel.


  • Although YouTube gets a lot of traffic, there are other video sites you can upload your video to. This includes Metacafe and Vimeo. There are various apps or software that will send your video to multiple sites with the touch of a button to save you manually. Now you will be using Video Marketing as a real market and don't waste time.




  • Video Marketing is a powerful way to Increase Traffic To Your Site Free. It is also free and easy to do. Nowadays it can be embarrassing if you do not use Video as a marketing tool.


  • If you find that it takes time, consider finding someone who will create a video for you and upload it to video sites. I hope this article has given you an idea of ​​how it can affect Video Marketing.

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