Top 12 Best Powerful Video Marketing Tips

 Not only is video marketing one of the most powerful marketing strategies on the market today, but most importantly you can start using this strategy today for absolutely free!

Top 12 Best Powerful Video Marketing Tips

12 Powerful Video Marketing Tips Exposed

  • As you can see, if you don't use video marketing you leave millions of dollars on the table. Now that you know "Why" you should use this strategy, now I'm going to show you "How" to use video effectively in 10 simple tips:

1. Finding the Right Equipment - We've talked about Video for the right resources, but to do a quick review, you'll need a flip cam and / or web cam, editing software, integration tool, tripod (if necessary) and lighting (if necessary).

2. Choose keywords - Most people skip this very important step. You must select the friendly search keywords and all that you say, that you want to identify keywords your target market is searching for on Google. The best free keyword tool you can use is the Google External Keyword Tool (Make sure you search for "Exact Match").

3. Content and Content Title - Make sure your title and title are powerful, engaging, including your keyword, the benefit of watching your video and stimulating curiosity. You can also use a question as a title, for example, "Does Video Marketing Work?" Most importantly for your content, make sure you stay on topic, because "Relevancy" is very important for ranking on the search.

4. Outline Keypoints- All experts use this strategy when teaching or presenting any topic: "Tell Your Audience What You Will Tell Them, Tell Them And Tell Them What You Tell Them.

5. 15-30 Second Hook - Make sure you get straight to the point and let your audience know what they will be getting by watching your video. You want to create curiosity and lure them in the first 15-30 seconds to watch the full video. The best statement you can use is, "Here's what I'm going to give you!"

6. Eye Communication - Look directly at the camera at all times. Eye contact builds trust and shows confidence. People do business with people they know, love and trust. And as you know, the world loves a confident person.

7. KEEP YOURSELF RIGHT! As I said earlier, "People do business with people they know, Love & Trust." Be true to yourself in all your videos. Don't try to be too professional if you don't have one. If you have children, it's good to have them in your videos. Basically you want to express your real way of life. Evidence of this is the growing popularity of Reality TV Shows.

8. Call to Action- At the end of your video you should have a clear "Call To Action". All of this means that you have to tell them what to do next. Whether you click the link, visit or blog, grab a page etc.

9. Edit video- This is not a hobby. You may want to place "Call to Action" on credits and / or captions to confirm it.

10. Upload to YouTube - Make sure you upload your video to YouTube because if they see that you are using the default software they will close your account. This Is Very Important!

11. Syndication Rule- Lastly, definitely, upload your video to your video adaptation tool and sell it on multiple video sharing sites with the click of a button.

12. Wash & Repeat - You don’t want to do this strategy all week and stop, like most people. Success is about taking the BEST ACT in the long run. I challenge you to do this 12 step process in at least the next 90 days and I guarantee you will see GREAT EFFECTS and become a Video Marketing Master !!!

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